こんばんはでござる♡今宵もしこしこ、がんばります。 今回はみみ殿とコラボ配信でござる!緊張します。 みみ殿も配信されていますので見られる方は2窓視聴で是非お楽しみくだされ♡ https://live.fc2.com/52701457/ みみ殿のコンテンツリンク ******* : [Hidden due to a possibility of inappropriate link.] ****** : [Hidden due to a possibility of inappropriate link.] もしかしたら趣向と合わない可能性、並びに拙者の配信では色々と試験的な所が多いため手間取るかと思われますがご了承願いますm(_ _)m そして煩悩まみれな配信を見に来てくれてありがとうござります♡♡♡ この配信ではみなさまのコメントや投げ銭で画面右上のゲージが溜まり、拙者が装着しているおもちゃが動いちゃいます。 ですのでお気軽にコメントや投げ銭をしてお楽しみください♡ ○配信の楽しみ方○ ①「好き」などの設定されたキーワードをコメント、または「100pt」などの投げ銭を行います。 ②リアル側のおもちゃがそれらに連動して動作します♡ ③おもちゃの刺激で悶える拙者を眺めながら、しこ♡しこ♡楽しんでくだされ♡♡♡ ※あまりにもイキすぎてキツすぎる場合配信者が振動を止める事もあります。 ○過去の配信動画と告知*******○ ****** : [Hidden due to a possibility of inappropriate link.] ******* : [Hidden due to a possibility of inappropriate link.] 要望があった為、アーカイブを下記支援サイトでも見れるように投稿を始めたでござる! 今後随時コンテンツを追加していきます。 Fanbox: http://bonknow.fanbox.cc Patreon: http://patreon.com/Bonknow (内容は******に投稿したアーカイブがメインになります) Youtubeで健全チャンネル始めました♡ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDfGWQw4a-A4Q_qAmmTnq1w 毎週木曜配信予定でござる Good evening, that I do my best tonight, that I do ♡. This time it's a collaborative delivery with Mimi-dono, that it is! I'm nervous. Mimi-dono is also broadcasting, so if you can watch it, please enjoy it by watching it in two windows. https://live.fc2.com/52701457/ Mimiden's content links ******* : [Hidden due to a possibility of inappropriate link.] ****** : [Hidden due to a possibility of inappropriate link.] It may not be to your liking, and it will take a lot of time and effort while trying different things. We hope you will forgive us. In this delivery, your comments and coins will accumulate a gauge in the upper right corner of the screen, and the toy I am wearing will move. So please feel free to comment and throw coins and have fun♡. ○How to enjoy the distribution ○ ①Comment the set keywords such as "好き" or throw money such as "100pt". ② The toys on the real side will work in conjunction with them ♡♡♡♡. ③ Please enjoy ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ while watching me writhing under the stimulation of the toys. *If it comes on too hard and is too tight, the distributor may stop the vibration. Past videos and ******* feeds ****** : [Hidden due to a possibility of inappropriate link.] ******* : [Hidden due to a possibility of inappropriate link.] Due to requests, we've started posting the archives so that you can also view them on the following support sites, that we have! We will be adding more content as we go along. Fanbox: http://bonknow.fanbox.cc Patreon: http://patreon.com/Bonknow (The contents are mainly the archives posted on ******) We have started a healthy channel on Youtube ♡ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDfGWQw4a-A4Q_qAmmTnq1w Every Thursday, that we will be posting on Youtube!
みみ殿とコラボ♡配信 - FC2 Video
Channel: FC2 Video